Virtual Reality
Nearly Finished
This Metroidvania project is now nearly complete. The level is built out and has some art, though there needs to be more (and better) art. There are 3 different types of enemies and 2 skills. The camera locks to rooms and rooms are added to the minimap when the player walks over it. There is a pause menu that allows the player to change skills or quit the game. Unfortunately, I did not have time to add into interact-able environment objects such as locked doors or healing areas. These will be added shortly over these next couple weeks.
New Year, New Projects
So for the new year, I started working on a vertical slice of one of my favorite game genres. Metroidvanias. There still needs to be a lot of work, but I am satisfied enough to show off what's done. Currently, there is attacking, jumping, ducking, using skills, minimap, and basic enemies. I aim to make this awesome by the time that I am done with it.
JRPG Menu Complete
My JRPG Menu system is complete! Although some things were ultimately cut from the project, I am okay with how this turned out. Check out my work post for more images!
Recognizable party
Search Inventory for types of items
View character equipment
Turn on and off skills for characters
Read past events
View the map